Compensation or Refund for Canceled Flight - Passenger Safe

Only in the event that the airline actually recognizes compensation towards you (from a minimum of €250.00 up to a maximum of €600.00) will we treat apercentage equal to 25%. If your application is rejected by the company, your application will be archived, without any request for money from us.

Legal assistance is therefore totally free.

All themanagement costsof the practice, whether it goes to court or whether a settlement is reached, are always at the expense of Passeggero a safe.

In assenza di compensazione pecuniaria relativa al Reg.EU261/2004 l’importo minimo di richiesta per rimborso spese è di 80,00 €.

Al di sotto di tale importo non possiamo prendere in carico la richiesta.

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