Refund for Canceled or Delayed Flight? Do you know your rights?

Regulation (EC) no. 261/2004 protects the rights of passengers in Europe, establishing financial compensation in the event of cancellation or delay of more than 3 hours of the flight. Here's what you're entitled to:

  • Up to €250:for flights up to 1500 km
  • Up to €400:for flights between 1500 and 3500 km
  • Up to €600:for flights over 3500 km

Not only that! Article 9 of EC Regulation no. 261/04 also provides the right to assistance in the event of delay or cancellation, such as meals, drinks, accommodation and alternative transport to the final destination.

Don't wait! Request your compensation now.

Compensation or Refund for Canceled Flight - Passenger Safe

Flight cancelled?

Your rights safe

Compensation or Refund for Canceled Flight - Passenger Safe

Flight delayed?

Your rights safe

Your Rights Don't End Here

Dealing with airlines can be tricky, but you're not alone.Passenger Safeoffers you free legal assistance to obtain the maximum possible compensation.

Don't let a disruption ruin your trip. Contact us to get what you deserve.


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