Lost, Damaged or Delayed Baggage? Get Up to €1,200 in Compensation

Lost, damaged or delayed baggage can turn your trip into a nightmare. But don't despair! The 1999 Montreal Convention and Regulation (EC) no. 889/2002 protect you, guaranteeing you compensation of up to €1,200.

If your baggage does not arrive at its destination, is damaged or delivered late, you are entitled to compensation. Follow these simple steps to start the procedure:

  • Report the problem to the Lost and Found office:You will be given a "Property Irregularity Report" (PIR), a document necessary to start the compensation procedure.

  • Keep documents:Have your airline ticket, baggage tag and any proof of purchase of the items in your baggage and essentials you had to purchase to deal with the absence of your personal belongings handy.

  • Contact Passeggero al Sicuro:Our legal experts will assist you free of charge to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Expiration Terms

Remember that there are precise deadlines to be respected to request compensation:

  • Damaged baggage:Within 7 days of the PIR date

  • Delayed baggage:Within 21 days of the PIR date

  • Lost baggage:Within 21 days of the PIR date

Compensation or Refund for Canceled Flight - Passenger Safe

Damaged Baggage?

We'll take care of it!

Compensation or Refund for Canceled Flight - Passenger Safe

Lost Luggage?

We'll take care of it!

Enforce your rights with Passeggero al Secure

Article 17 of the Montreal Convention establishes the liability of the air carrier for damage, loss or delay of baggage. In some cases, it is possible to obtain compensation of more than €1,200 if you have declared a “special interest in delivery to destination” and paid an additional fee.

Don't face this situation alone. Passeggero al Sicuro is here to help you get the maximum compensation possible, at no cost to you if we don't get your refund.

Don't waste time! Request your refund immediately and assert your rights.


Damage or Loss of Your Surfboard? Get Compensation

Surfboards are delicate and valuable sports equipment. If your board has been damaged, lost during a flight, you are entitled to compensation from the airline.

The 1999 Montreal Convention and Regulation (EC) no. 889/2002 also protect sports luggage, including surfboards. If you have experienced a disruption, follow these steps:

  • Report the problem to the Lost and Found office:also in this case you will be given a "Property Irregularity Report" (PIR), a document necessary to start the compensation procedure.

  • Keep documents:Have your airline ticket, baggage tag, and any proof of purchase, surfboard valuation, and photography of the damage ready.

  • Contact Passeggero al Sicuro:Our legal experts specialized in air transport law will assist you free of charge to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Passenger Safe: Compensation for Damage to Canceled or Delayed Flights

Damage or loss of your surfboard?

We'll take care of it!

Why Choose Safe Passenger for Problems with Your Surfboard?

Don't let damage to your board ruin your surf trip! Contact us now


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